Current Projects

Tennesse State University Affordable Learning Solutions Initiative

How might we expand and sustain access to quality education at HBCUs through the unique affordances of opened culture?

Funded by the Hewlett Foundation and in partnership with MERLOT and MIT, this project brings together over 30 HBCUs into hubs that engage in professional development focused on open educational practices and culturally-affirming pedagogies. Addressing the critical need for accessible educational materials, the initiative empowers educators and students at HBCUs and other MSIs to enhance learning through open resources. By supporting these institutions in embedding and sustaining open practices, Opened Culture helps ensure that education is not only accessible but also culturally relevant and reflective of the diverse communities it serves.

The 100 Year Ed Tech Project

How might we use the levers of an opened culture to envision, design, and implement innovative solutions that will shape the future of learning as we know it?

Born of the collaborative ideation of Lev Gonick, CIO at Arizona State University, and led by ASU’s Enterprise Technology, SAB Creative and Consulting, and The StoryCenter, Opened Culture is providing strategic guidance, advocacy, and community engagement in support of the mission of this collective—to advance access and equity so that every learner gets the education they need to thrive. OEC was honored to be featured in the 2074 Guide in their spotlight on Future Scenarios: Influential Work.

Career Services
AI Co-Pilot

How might we leverage the power of generative AI to illuminate more diverse pathways to instructional design leadership and advancement?

Working in partnership with faculty at The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, this research study seeks to surface ubiquitous challenges that instructional designers face in locating comprehensive support for designing their future career. From clearly and compellingly demonstrating the competencies and durable skills that employers are looking for in instructional designers to leveraging narrative practices for understanding one’s unqiue value proposition and brand identity as an ID professional, this study interrogates the ways in which generative AI might make the process of career planning a more impactful and empowering experience.

Dimensions of AI Literacies

How might we move from a harmful binary of AI literacy (literacy vs. illiteracy) into a plurality of competencies, skills, and capabilities within a spectrum of AI literacies?

Influenced by the work of Doug Belshaw’s Eight Essential Elements of Digital Literacies, this project seeks to advance the field’s understanding of AI literacies as culturally-contextualized and socially negotiated across formal and informal digital environments. This work brings together collaborators from the Online Learning Consortium, The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, and The University of Arizona in creating a rich resource to spotlight competencies and skills needed for the future of education, work, and society.

Want to Collaborate?

Reach out with your driving questions and your opportunities needing support from a thriving community of thought leaders and advocates for increasing access to education through the collaborative, innovative, and engaged facets of an opened culture.