The Journey of Opened Culture

In a world where education often remains confined within traditional boundaries, the birth of Opened Culture marked a bold step towards reimagining how learning could be shared, experienced, and valued. It all began with a curious mind delving into the intricacies of open remix, a concept widely discussed yet narrowly understood. Our founder’s research unveiled a striking revelation: at the heart of open remix wasn’t just the products but the vibrant interactions of people, ideas, and processes. This pivotal moment shifted the lens from asking how to increase engagement in open remix to understanding why barriers exist in the first place.

Open remix, as it turned out, was more than a method—it was a socio-cultural process deeply influenced by power dynamics and accessibility within communities. This insight led to a broader reflection on open education as a whole, revealing that the true essence of opening education lay not solely in the resources or practices but in nurturing a culture that embraces openness at every level.

Our collaboratory emerged from the realization that to truly democratize education, we must start by cultivating an “opened culture” within institutions and communities.

Angela Gunder, Ph.D., CEO and Founder of Opened Culture

About Our Founder